Monday 29 September 2014

Genre of Films

Genre of Films

Romance and Comedy - the perfect mix. It pulls at your heart strings and satisfies the true romantic in you but also provides countless laughs along the way that can unite friends and family alike. With light-hearted, humorous plotlines, centered on romantic ideals such as that true love is able to surmount most obstacles they serve as a slightly more, light hearted version on a romantic drama that spares you the heart ache of a despondent ending, a rom-com is something surely everyone enjoys watching?  Although the target audience may be more female don’t fall under the illusion that guys don’t watch or enjoy these films, with the right cast and a worthy plot just about anyone will enjoy a rom-com. It integrates with the part of us that dreams of having a romantic interest in our lives, someone that we could share the rest of our days with and experience all the perfect, idyllic, movie like moments personally. It links to the users and gratification theory that we like to escape from our own lives and any movie can help the viewer achieve this but a rom-com is usually so simplistic you could believe this was happening somewhere in the world right now and could aspire to have something like that in your life.

Romantic films like Titanic and The Vow are magnificent films but the emotional rollercoaster they take you on can sometimes be exhausting, rom-coms whereas provide an emotionally satisfying ending that normally leaves the viewer content with the outcome of the film. Comedy films can sometimes lack a plotline or general point so when combined with romance the film as a whole develops as they complement each other and that’s why in my opinion they’re the best genre of films. A list of my favourite rom-coms is never-ending, The Holiday, Just My Luck, 50 first dates, a lot like love, Wedding Crashers, She’s the Man, Mamma Mia, The Ugly Truth and Easy A just to name a few! They contain all the parts of romance and comedy that I love so very much!

Arguably it may be comical to call rom-coms the ‘best genre’ as they are often discarded as laughable attempts to create a ‘proper film’ and never recognised by the academy but just because they don’t have a never-ending list of Oscar awards and baftas to their name doesn’t mean by any account that they aren’t the best. As Leonardo DiCaprio has shown, you can be truly amazing but fail to win awards as you’re simply underappreciated by academy. They make people laugh, they make people cry, over time they have brought out every emotion known to man and are simply a joy to watch – it is a disappointment that people fail to see the sheer brilliance of rom-coms and take them as they are, a light hearted film that can make anyone smile and takes the best parts of romance and comedy and combines them to make a truly wonderful masterpiece.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Genre Analysis


This table looks at the different genres in the film industry and the conventions usually associated with them, as well as 3 films from the genre released in the last 2 years.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

James Cameron

James Cameron


James Cameron. An outstanding director to say the least. Anyone who's anyone has heard of James Cameron, with a love for close up shots and effective cuts he truly is a man of talent, directing over 22 films to an outstanding finish. Although he has many great films to his name the one most people will remember him for surely has to be the 1997 blockbuster, Titanic. A doomed love story on an ill-fated boat was perfect Hollywood drama and made over £4 million on its opening UK weekend and broke all box office records raking in over £2 billion worldwide. It is still the second highest grossing film of all time, only being beaten by Mr Cameron’s other great masterpiece - Avatar.


Mr Cameron hasn’t gone unrewarded for the production of his amazing, awe-inspiring, masterpieces of film nominated for six academy awards and he has won 3 for his greatest masterpiece - Titanic. In total his directorial efforts have grossed approximately $6 billion worldwide and shows once and for all he is a man of substantial influence and talent.

I like James Cameron as I believe he shows how good films can be as well as different, unique, new ways to shoot films with different camera angles and exciting use of the camera. I also admire him as he had to work hard to get where he is now, he wasn’t given anything on a silver platter - he started with nothing, going to libraries to copy down notes on SFX and worked up to where he is now, the creator of two of the greatest films ever made and has an estimated net worth of $900 million! I see him as an inspiration as not only has he directed award winning films but has also written, produced, edited them and shows that if you work hard enough you can achieve anything you want.