Thursday 13 November 2014

Target audience for our film (Research)

Target audience
Malevolent phantom

Statistically it seems that horror movies apply to predominantly males, which I would have expected as its a common convention that men like to be scared and seek a thrill. Violence is also a convention of horror films which is often loved by males not females as they seek the thrill of violence, blood and got whereas females are more likely to seek love and security. Horror films are therefore more attractive to males as they seek the thrill horror films supply. To attract females more the three main characters are females, something that hopefully the female side of the audience can relate too, also it may lead them to believe this film will have a softer, more emotional side to it making them more likely to go see it. As long as there is enough horror clichés (dark setting, jumpy parts, blood etc.) then the men will want to come too.

They want to rush into life without being guided and therefore seek all thrill they can get, horror movies provide this thrill and can excite the young audience easier than an older one. The young audience are also less susceptible to being put off the film by violence or unnatural images which may make older audiences feel negative towards the film. Therefore in my film I may include a more violent, gory side to attract the younger audience but maybe have a more complex sophisticated plot to attract older audiences, something they have to piece together. 

The relation of the character also puts the audience in the shoes of the characters gaining a stronger horror effect - I've used this effect in my film as many of the shots are close up or point of view, putting the audience in the characters shoes.

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