Tuesday 17 March 2015

2) Key Character

Malevolent Phantom 
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The two characters I'm comparing are Lucy from the Malevolent Phantom (left) and Dana from Cabin in the woods (right), there are many instant similarities that you can spot between these two, for example both are young, arguably naive girls who are not in very optimistic settings. Both seem troubled and anxious from the images above and it highlights how although they may put on tough exteriors inside they are deeply frightened and wary about the situations they are in. This conforms to the horror genre as it is conventional for woman to be isolated and alone as they are shown to be 'weak' and unable to save themselves from the situations they are in which leads to their inevitable demise. The audience would expect these scenes to be from horror films as there are remote settings and characters who are accessible to danger, are all connotations of a typical horror film. 

The main concept of our film is 'fear of the unknown' which means the identity of the phantom is unknown to both the characters and the audience. This is the same concept used in Cabin in the woods, this aspect creates more suspense as the audience are continuously trying to figure out who or what the antagonist is. Another striking similarity between the two films as a whole and these scenes in particular would be the presence of the woods, the looming darkness - both films use the twists and turns and the general spookiness and darkness of the woods to connote a more sinister, scary feeling about the film. Isolation and lack of civilisation are also very important factors in these two films as they create the tension and fear, if this took place in a city they could just call for help whereas in the woods they are alone and have no other people to call on for help. This appeals to the audience as it makes them place themselves in the characters shoes and wonder what they would do if they were in a similar situation.

Between the both films the costume is not very similar at all, whilst Lucy (left) wears more bright, radiant colours to highlight how she is a character of importance and also imply because she's being targeted her coat colours may suggest she leads a more vibrant exciting life - leading to her drawing more attention, more enemies, more reason to be targeted. Dana (right) on the other hand is in all dark colours connoting a darker side to her future and meaning she blends in with the woods so hopefully wont stand out.

* Spoiler Alert * Both characters signify an innocent and young person who is abandoned and lonely and will tragically die.

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