Friday 20 March 2015

4) Audience

Evaluation: Activity 4
Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our audience would probably watch shows such as supernatural and post-apocalyptic TV dramas which have an unrealistic and suspenseful plot which gives them thrill and excitement (like in a horror film); they may watch these series because of the attractive characters. Depending on the audience’s taste they may listen to various music genres however majority of them will listen to different types of rock. They may like how it’s musically diverse and has loud vocals. Our target audience may wear dark clothing or wear the merchandise from their favourite horror film/drama. Our target audience would watch our film because it’s mysterious and it grabs their attention as soon as the opening begins, the music pulls them in with sharp rises in tempo and long notes which builds suspense, whilst the characters themselves are isolated almost immediately creating even more tension as the audience begin to wonder what will happen to them. Our opening also features techniques used in the horror films (extreme close up shots to hide surroundings and draw attention to facial expressions, fast paced editing to increase tempo of chase scenes, point of view shots to make the audience stand in the characters shoes) and includes intense music creating a thrilling atmosphere. 

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