Monday 23 March 2015

6) Technology used

Evaluation task 6
Technology used

YouTube is the worlds largest video sharing website. we used it to upload our opening two minutes (and add annotations at a later stage) , preliminary tasks , video diaries, etc. From using this I learnt about adding annotations and extra info to a video and so expanded my knowledge on how to use different types of technology.

We used blogger to make our blog pages, it was very easy to use and enabled me to produce a high quality blog page, I was able to  make it my own by changing the layout (adjust the widths etc), choosing the background, fonts, colours and adding certain features to make posts easy to find. This was a nicer way of showing our work than writing everything down on a pad. 

Adobe premier elements is the editing software we used when editing our opening, it has a lot of 'elements' to it such as effects , crop , cut , transitions which enabled us to create a high quality piece of work. Also when adding titles we were able to make it look more professional than if we had simply used a more basic product like windows movie maker. Although it was initially hard to edit as you had to learn how to use the software as soon as we'd watched a few tutorial videos we were able to use it effectively to create the opening we hoped to achieve. 

We used the school camera which is incredibly basic and not that high pixel quality but unfortunately we had no better alternative so we made the best out of the situation. Looking back on the finished product i'm incredibly happy with the picture quality and feel it looks good enough. The only down side to using that camera was we weren't able to film as late in the evening as we had wanted to (to create more suspense and conform more the the horror genre) as the camera couldn't see anything even when it got only partially dark.

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