Tuesday 16 December 2014

Representation of Stereotypes (Planning)

Malevolent Phantom
Representation of Stereotypes

In majority of horror female character are seen as the damsel in distress and usually are attacked by a killer within the opening of the movie. The common stereotypes in horror movies are dumb blondes; they are represented as an innocent, vulnerable and naïve character. The character Lucy subverts the looks of the dumb blonde however she conforms the representation as she’s easily manipulated.

The antagonist is represented stereotypical malevolent phantom that lurks near the main character. It preys on the protagonist until it finds the right time to attack and kill her. The appearance is unknown in the beginning of the film as it is wearing a big black coat which covers its face so they audience can’t make a connection with them. This character has a huge impact in the horror film because it strikes a fear into the audience.  

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